MexiCajun Recipes

Monday, November 28, 2005


T-Boy Perez here mon-ami. Been Cookin N feedin amigos round here bayous of east Texas for bout two decades now. Long the way, I've kept some favorites that I'll be presenting to Ya'll - Throw in a few anecdotes and jokes, few fish stories, dos o tres Margaritas & enjoy. We're close enough to Luisiana to Tra-vel often. T'was in one of those trips to the Ville of New Orleans dat I met my Emile...and her family...Oh well. T'was the food and those Zydeco nights. It has been interesante... Dos Culturas, Due Cuisines Mexican & cajun, similar spices, a love for a good time a true joie de vivre.

On to de recetas.....


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